Statistics show that one in four people will experience a significant fire outbreak. Think about your irreplaceable valuables and documents – are they safe from unplanned fire emergencies? Save yourself some grief and don’t leave your valuables to chance in the event of a disaster. Combining state-of-art fire and water protection, this fireproof bag can be a difference maker when it comes to saving the most important documents and more!
Our bags provide 100% fireproof performance thanks to a specially designed dual layer of fire-retardant fiberglass. Fiberglass is a key raw material in the making of fireproof bags thank to its heat-resistant properties. Take a bag to open flame and watch as it suppresses direct content and is virtually unscathed, resisting temperatures of up to 2192 ? (1200 ?).
When dealing with a fire outbreak, water can be a surprising obstacle when it comes to protecting your valuables, whether from sprinkler systems, fire suppression, or leaks from damaged pipes. Luckily, our fireproof bag is highly water resistant, repelling anything from a few drops to a constant direct stream.
Protect your documents and your hands thanks to a silicone coating that lines the outside of the fiberglass bag. The high quality coating prevents any fiberglass from contacting your skin and engraining to cause irritation or worse.
Have a small safe? Want to pack as many valuables and documents into one bag as possible? With three sizes to choose from, our fireproof bags offer varying levels of storage, but all feature the same reliability and protection.
Available Sizes:
Small - 9" x 7" | The perfect fit for smaller safes, protect important notes, photos, and other small valuables
Medium - 11.5" x 9" | Ideal for standard sized paper documentation and more
Large - 15" x 11" | Protect it all including passports, birth certificates, photographs, trust account documentation, real estate deeds, currency, and legal sized paperwork
PLEASE NOTE: While our fireproof bags offer protection in the event of a fire, the best practice is to use these bags in conjunction with a fireproof safe. When using a fireproof bag safe or bag on their own, materials can still become damaged and paper can carbonize during long exposure to high temperatures. Combining both a safe and a bag offers the best protection in the event of a fire emergency.