We're the original. JanSport started making packs and outdoor gear back in 1967. We're about the journey, the discovery of fun, freedom, and adventure.
That's what inspired our three founders to do something different with their lives-design a better pack that was truly innovative and build a company around it. Now, more than forty years later, the journey and the adventure you find along the way is still what drives us and everything we engineer.
We make packs and outdoor gear to equip you for adventure. The kind that happens every day.
We design our products to be durable, functional, and versatile. Whether you're headed to a concert, to class, or going off the grid-we've got your pack. It's what we've been doing for over forty years.
- One large main compartment
- Straight-cut, padded shoulder straps
- Front utility pocket with organizer
- 2/3 padded back panel
- Web haul handle
- Capacity: 1550 cu in / 25 L
- Weight: 12 oz / 0.3 kg
- Dimensions: 16.7" x 13" x 8.5" / 42 x 33 x 21 cm
- Fabric: 600 Denier Polyester
- Color:
- Series: Classic
What it fits:
- 2-3 textbooks
- Paperback books
- 1 large binder
- 2-3 spiral notebooks
- Calculator
- Pens and pencils
- Cellphone
- MP3 Player
JanSport engineers quality, durable, and reliable products. So, if your pack ever breaks down, simply return it to our warranty center. We'll fix it or if we can't we'll replace it or refund it. We stand by our packs for a lifetime and since we've been making packs since 1967, that's a guarantee you can stand by.